Monday, July 1, 2013

Back-drop for a play...

For the past month I've been working on a project for a friend in my free time (Which seems really scarce these days since I started working at a "real" job again.). In a very small time-frame I chose to make a simple scene-compositing tool to be used as a projected background in a play.

My friend wanted clouds, a lake, some landscape and maybe a bird and a hut, and maybe even a castle (and lots of other things I just said 'no' to.). In the end, time-pressure from work and general life-related issues allowed only the core of our initial plans to be implemented (No bird, no hut, no castle.). Thankfully the cast and crew are talented enough to make up for the short-falls on my part, and ingenious use of shadow-puppetry fills in many blanks (Or so I'm told... I haven't actually seen the play since I have to work in Johannesburg). Unfortunately, the first two shows went on without the landscape, clouds or water being properly implemented... The scene-composition tools were more important, and a deadline from work took priority. People watching the last shows might still see a hut, a bird or even a castle.

Source and instructions here:
Actual Demo here:

At its heart, it is really a cut&paste&customise exercise using three.js example code as the source material.
Along the way I used dat.gui and tween.js to do all the tweening of dat.gui pre-sets. I also discovered how simple to use, yet effective localStorage is.

Given how little time I had to spend on this project, I'm happy to have provided something at least usable in the end.

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