Since last post:
- Mixer. Per-source volume and pan. It can have multiple modules as sources, and forces any mono sources to fill all output channels (dependent on pan setting).
- Stk Voicer support. Can essentially make polyphonic versions of any Instrmnt and trigger it from the script environment.
- Started on Stk Filters, but apart form delay, most of them seem ill-fitted for my purposes (see below).
Currently only stereo linear-cross-fade panning is supported by the mixer module. I'll re-visit multi-channel placement later. Audio positioning for game objects will only rely on volume and pan for now.
What's still left to do?
- Ignore all Stk Generators for now... they are too low-level to merit script instantiation.. They might make a comeback as LFO-type control inputs in the future...
- Ignore most Stk filters. Filters in Stk seem to be meant as helper classes for internal workings in custom Instrmnt derived classes. Many filters do not normalize and without extreme tweaking aren't useful in an intuitive real-time modular fashion. Compromise: Script instantiated filter which can be set up as a HP,BP,LP or BS filter. Internally an IIR Stk filter can be used with a known calculated set of normalized coefficients for Butterworth filters. This will be sufficient for games.
- Ignore score files for now... The effort which will have to go into creating a scoring environment is beyond the scope of a gaming project. It is a love of mine, hence the long interlope. I will come back to this, but not yet.
- Ogg file loading/playback for music needs to happen (Easier to compose music in Renoise for now).
- Stk Effects to support : Chorus, JC-Rev, Echo ... the rest can come later.
- Implement tying motion-states to audio sources.
Tick these off and I'll have enough audio tech to my liking.
After that? Menu GUI and exposing the keyboard-map to the script environment, then we'll be close to ThingMaker version zero point something!
Ok, so it is still a way to go, but an end is in sight.